Sneha Kothari Mashru ni mwanadada mtangazaji wa redio ambaye alikuwa ndani ya jengo wakati tukio linatokea.Asimulia jinsi alivyojiokoa kutoka ndani ya jengo hilo wakati kijana aliyekuwa karibu nae akiwa amepigwa risasi na kufariki.

Asimulia kuwa alitumia damu za watu waliojeruhiwa na waliokufa kujipaka mwilini mwake ili kuonyesha magaidi kuwa na yeye ni moja ya watu walioaga dunia ndani ya jengo.

Kitu cha kwanza alizima simu yake ili isiweze kutoa sauti ikiwa itatokea kuita ili kutowashitua magaidi na kupelekea kupoteza maisha yake.


"I realised he was shot, because he was bleeding," she said.

"So I pulled out (his) phone slowly and I tried to switch it off, it was all full of blood, and I tried to switch off the phone so that it could stop ringing (in case it alerted the attackers).

"So I took a lot of his blood, (as) much (as) I could and I tried to put it on myself. I put it on my arm, a lot of the teenager's blood, and while I was trying to put it on my hand I just realised that he had stopped breathing at that time.

"So I put it on my arm, as much as I could, and I covered my face with my hair, because my hair was let loose even then, just to pretend that I'm dead or probably badly injured.

"I would still love to know who he is and everything, because his blood probably protected me from getting probably more injured or attacked."


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